Staunton and Corse C of E Academy, Gloucester Road, Corse, Staunton, Gloucester, GL19 3RA

01452 840240

Staunton & Corse C of E Academy

Let Your Light Shine

Local Advisory Board


The Primary Quest Trust Board has developed the local advisory boards in place of the local governing body and has identified the following key roles for them to undertake:

  • To advise/act as a critical friend to the Headteacher;
  • To advise the board of trustees about local issues they need to consider that affect the academy;
  • Represent the local community;
  • Represent the Academy in its community;

The main purpose of these roles is to enable the LABs to be able to express and act on local views and issues—views of parents, staff, and the community, etc. One of the key purposes of the LAB is to ensure that the learning ethos, vision, and aims of Primary Quest and Staunton and Corse are evident throughout the academy.


Members of the Local Advisory Board (LAB) at Staunton and Corse Academy

Dr Hazel Padfield (Chair of Local Advisory Board)

  Staunton and Corse C of E Primary Academy
  Gloucester Road Corse,
  GL19 3RA

Mrs Izzy Ball (Acting Headteacher)

Mrs Kate Brumfield (Assistant Headteacher)

Mr Duncan de Gruchy 
Mr Chris Conoley 
Miss Katy Walsh 
Miss Tessa Stockwell 
Mrs Andrew Hyde
Miss Claire Bridgeman
Mrs Ellie Hully Roberts (Clerk to the LAB)

Foundation Local Advisors

The Foundation Local Advisors have a special role in this voluntary-aided Church of England school. They are appointed by the Church and safeguard the interests of the Church as the school's owner. With the Vicar, they have an overall majority on the Local Advisory Board. They bring to the LAB an informed regard for the Church nature of the foundation of the school to ensure that its Christian ethos is preserved and developed and that religious education reflects within a modern curricular context, the requirement of the Trust Deed:

That the school should be used “for the education of children and shall always be in union with and conducted according to the principles of the Established Church”.