Staunton and Corse C of E Academy, Gloucester Road, Corse, Staunton, Gloucester, GL19 3RA

01452 840240

Staunton & Corse C of E Academy

Let Your Light Shine

Curriculum statements

Main Curriculum Statement

 The Curriculum Statement of Intent, Implementation and Impact.pdfDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1

Core Subject Statements

 English Reading Statement of Intent-implementation-impact.pdfDownload
 English Writing-Statement-of-Intent-implementation-and-impact.pdfDownload
 Mathematics -Statement of Intent, Implement, Impact.pdfDownload
 pshe-and-rhe-statement-of-intent-implmentation-and-impact .pdfDownload
 Religious-Education-Statement-of-intent-implementation-and-impact .pdfDownload
 Science-Statement-of-Intent-Implementation-and-Impact .pdfDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

Foundation Subject Statements

 Art Statement of Intent. Implementation and Impact.docxDownload
 Computing Statement of Intent, Implementation and Impact.docxDownload
 Design and Technology Statement of Intent, Implmentation and Impact.docxDownload
 Geography Statement of Intent, Implementation and Impact.docxDownload
 History Statement of Intent, Implementation and Impact.docxDownload
 Music-statement-of-intent-implementation-and-impact .pdfDownload
 PE Statement of Intent. Implementation and Impact.docxDownload
Showing 1-8 of 8