SAT's information 2025
What are SATs?
Children in English schools used to sit Standard Assessment Tests 'SATs' twice during their school career. The first time was in Key Stage 1, when they had tests in Year 2. Children across the country were tested in maths and reading. May 2023 was the last year where these tests were compulsory for schools to complete.
The next time children took SATs was at the end of Key Stage 2 in Year 6. These are still compulsory and our Year 6 children will need to sit them this academic year.
SATs week will be Monday 12th May – Thursday 15th May 2025. These are more formal than the previous Key Stage 1 tests; they consist of written papers (in English and Maths) that are 40 to 60 minutes long and can sometimes be quite daunting for this age group. The papers are sent away for marking and the results are returned to school in July and will be shared with you in your child’s Annual Report to Parents.
SATs aren’t about passing or failing, but are used to reflect the level your child is working at. We don’t see them as a one-off period in the school calendar but as a part of the overall teaching your child receives throughout their whole time at primary school. We aim to ensure your child is as prepared as they can be to minimise any stress they may feel about the assessments.
How can you help your child?
The key to making SATs less stressful for your child is not to panic yourself as this will put your child under enormous stress and this makes it very difficult for a child to learn. Children are well-prepared for SATs throughout their school life. One way you can support your child is by regularly supporting them with their homework.
At the start of Year 6, your child can loan revision books to support their home learning. There are also a lot of commercially published and very useful practice materials available and a number of very good websites to support learning in general – but please remember to only give them extra work to do in moderation.
- Monday, May 12th: English grammar, punctuation, and spelling papers 1 and 2
- Tuesday, May 13th: English reading paper
- Wednesday, May 14th: Mathematics papers 1 and 2
- Thursday, May 15th: Mathematics paper 3
SAT's results 2024
The percentage of children achieving the expected standard (or above) in reading, writing and maths at our school in 2024 was 67%
(2023 national Average was 59% 2024 tbc)
The percentage of children achieving the expected standard, or above in:
- Reading was 100% (2024 national average was 73%)
- Writing was 73% (2024 national average was 71%)
- Maths was 73% (2024 national average was 73%)
- Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling was 87% (2024 national average was 72%)
The percentage of children achieving the higher standard in:
- Reading was 20% (2024 national average was 29%)
- Writing was 14% (2024 national average was 13%)
- Maths was 7% (2024 national average was 24%)
- Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling was 14% (2024 national average was 30%)