Staunton and Corse C of E Academy, Gloucester Road, Corse, Staunton, Gloucester, GL19 3RA

01452 840240

Staunton & Corse C of E Academy

Let Your Light Shine


The school is part of the Primary Quest Trust and is managed by the CEO, Mr Dean, the Acting Headteacher and the Acting Assistant Headteacher/SENDCo. Together, they provide the strategic direction and high expectations which drive school improvement and ensure standards of excellence.

In addition to class teaching, Subject Leaders  have responsibility for leading and resourcing specialist areas of the curriculum.

At Staunton and Corse Academy we recognise that our staff is the most valuable resource we have and all our staff are committed and enthusiastic.  Together, through their care, guidance and support, they create a nurturing environment in which our children achieve and flourish.

Little Stars

Miss White

Mrs Evans

Mrs Phelps

Mrs Merrick

Miss Willband


Rainbow Class

Miss Gibbard – Class Teacher (Mon, Tue)

Mrs Smith - Class Teacher (Wed, Thu, Fri)

Mrs Lodge – Teaching Assistant

Mrs Van-Zyl -Teaching Assistant 1:1


Sunbeam Class

Mrs Carpenter-maternity leave

Mrs Shakespeare– Class Teacher (Mon-Wed)

Mrs Brumfield - Class Teacher

(Thurs- Friday)

Mrs Caine – Teaching Assistant

Mrs Hughes - Teaching Assistant 1:1

Miss Willband - Teaching Assistant 1:1



Trinity Class

Miss Eldon – Class Teacher

Mrs Thompson – Teaching Assistant

Mrs Cox - Teaching Assistant / 1:1

Miss Willband - Teaching Assistant 1:1


Aurora Class

Miss Roberts (Maternity leave)

Mrs Hampton – Class Teacher

Mrs Summers - Teaching Assistant

Midday Supervisor Team

Mrs Brewster

Mrs Bayliss

Miss Dancey

Mrs Meredith

Mrs Van-Zyl

Miss Willband

Miss Palmer

Breakfast Club

Mrs Davies (Mon-Friday)

Miss Willband

Mrs Van-Zyl


After School Club

Mrs Priday (Mon-Friday)

Mrs Thompson

Miss Willband

Mrs Brewster

Senior Leadership Team

Mrs Ball – Acting Headteacher

Mrs Brumfield - Acting Assistant

                              Headteacher & SENDCo 


Finance, Admin & Site Team

Mrs Ayland – Academy Business Manager

Mrs Rose – Academy Administrator

Miss Dancey – Cleaner

Mrs Meredith – Cleaner